New year’s eve is the clean slate programme we all are looking for.

As I finally bring myself to do this, this very act of typing characters that magically appear on my screen, sitting in a corner out of my neighbour’s living room, I can’t help but get distracted by the conversation sitting across the table.

Participants are my benevolent neighbour, her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s friend. The discussion is arbitrarily jumping from Netflix to the consistency of the chocolate cake that she made me cut in order make my sorry ass get off the chair and share their enthusiasm.

I am still cringing upon my my dimwit self breaking into an applaud while blowing candles off the cake that was sacrificed to 2018. This and many awkward moments later, they finally address the subject sans which new year is not “new”, the resolutions!

Now, what’s with us and making grand resolutions on new year’s eve? Why are we always caught up in this vicious cycle of making resolutions one day and conveniently giving up on them till the next year stands one feet away.

Anonymous said, every passing moment is an opportunity to change. Your life changes the day, you choose to change it. All this wisdom, but we still find some kind of a conviction in making promises for our better selves just before the clock strikes 12.

This is no different than burning midnight’s oil mugging up the entire syllabus a night before the exam, this after wasting the 5 day long preparation gap. I must say the law of inertia is a strong contender here in making sure we finally jolt out of doldrums and do what we go to do. PRESSURE is the external force impressed upon us here.

It’s more or less the same theory that makes new year’s eve so important for us except the external force over here is HOPE. The same hope that Selina Kyle held towards the “Clean Slate Program”

Remember Selina Kyle aka catwoman and her desperate need to obtain the clean slate program to wipe off every shred of evidence against all the wrongs she carried out so sassily. That clean slate program was her silver lining amidst the chaos of Gotham to start new, to begin again; Clean.

Well, she never got it because Daggitt was a dick but hey she got batman! But Universe is no Daggitt and thus gifts us the CLEAN SLATE PROGRAM so graciously every year, to put everything behind and begin again.

Anything and everything that went wrong, that could have been or not, the wrong decisions and choices, the courage that we could have mustered, the discipline we could have cultivated and our lack thereof.

New year’s eve gives you the power to erase all the scribbling and doodling off the white board of your life and start with a squeaky clean board. There is a strange solace we find in the number “1” and that I think makes 31st night even more hopeful for us.

It gives you the chance to pick up the fallen you from the year that went by and put yourself at the starting point of a new race, wearing jersey number 1.

So, youuu out there, thank the universe for giving you the clean slate program. Use it to wipe out all the resentments in your heart, use it to forgive all your cowardly acts, use it to reset your standards in life, use it to raise the bar that you had set so low. Wear your catsuits and Bat-capes and fly you fools!


Your Passive Batman

Here is looking at you 2019!